Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Few Random Things

These are some things people probably don't know about me. I felt like telling someone, and Tumblr (though this is blogspot, I needed a different place for now) seems like the best place right now.

1. I like certain kinds of physical pain. I love when my shins hurt or when my muscles ache because I exercised for the first time in months. I'll complain about it when it does hurt, but I'm always sad when it goes away. For example, I screwed up my knee a few years back. I popped my kneecap out of place, and it happened twice after that. Ever since, it's never been the same. I played tennis without my brace the other day because I lost it on the bus ride home from our match. My knee has hurt since, and it hurts so much when I get that sharp pain if I move it in a strange way. I'll cringe for a minute or cry out in pain, but I love the feeling. I guess it's because I feel alive when I ache.

2. I think bags under the eyes due to lack of sleep sometimes look really sweet. Last time I said that, however, I got them really badly and creeped myself out. It depends, I guess. I've had them for many months now, literally.

3. I believe that sometimes, rather than holding your tears in, you have to let them out. If you give yourself a few minutes, you'll be able to compose yourself again. It's usually how it goes for me, anyway.

4. I was raised a vegetarian (as I always make known to people), but I grew to truly love animals. If I see an animal kill another animal for food in one of those "Planet Earth" DVDs or any other documentaries, I have to look away or else I could cry. I also hate watching animals die in movies, even though it's fake.

5. I have a very imaginative, creative mind. There are numerous images I can recall in an instant, glued into my mind from my past. One is my fourth birthday, as I woke up and walked out of my room and into the living room, my mom was sitting in the rocking chair blowing up balloons. Balloons already filled each corner of the ceiling. Another is from one of my elementary school days, me standing on the sidewalk surrounded by my mom and some people she knew. They had a dalmatian dog with them. I have wanted one ever since, and it is my goal in life to have one.

6. I love when my feet are cold, at least when I'm in the house. They get to the point where it's insane, yet I don't want to move. I obviously feel uncomfortable, but then I just prolong the adding of socks because I like the feeling. I guess it's similar to my liking of certain types of physical pain.

7. I stay up really late at night, even when I'm super tired. I used to think it was just because I was too lazy to go through my very OCD routine, and I still do, but a part of me now believes that it's also because I like the feeling of night. I like the sense of serenity it gives me, as if I'm completely alone. There's no one around to see me fall apart, no one to question why I'm not smiling or why I don't feel like talking. I don't have to put on a show. I love that feeling.

8. I love my dad. I love my dad so very, very much. The thought of losing him in any sense instantly makes me cry. Mom thinks I defend him all the time because I like him more than I do her, and maybe it is because I'm a daddy's girl, but really, it's because it is so easy to see the child in him. He does parental things and of course he's an adult, but I love when he tears up at the sappy things on TV, and when he laughs so hard at something on TV. I love his jokes and his little comments. I love how he tries to cheer you up by saying random things. I only want his safety, forever. I have so much love and respect for him, I would give my life for his if it came down to it. I don't think anyone will ever understand that, not really.

9. I want people to ask me what's wrong when I'm upset, but I don't want to tell them. I guess I just want to feel like someone actually cares, at least for a little while. I like keeping things to myself. Sure, I'll explain a situation out to someone and say this and that, but really, I keep most of it inside of me. That way, I can deal with it myself, let it sit there until I'm ready.

10. I have found that I do a lot for attention. I always scoff at those sorts of people, and yet I am one of them. Again, I feel that it is because I want to feel like I matter to someone. Like, for once in my life, someone cares about me more than they do about anything else. I rarely feel this way. In fact, I don't believe I've ever had that full effect. I'm still waiting, hoping it'll come one day.

11. I love falling apart and breaking down. It's a terrible feeling at the time, but once I've finished crying and I've sorted everything out, I feel completely refreshed and renewed. I feel like I've put everything out in the open, even if it's only to myself. I've confronted my troubles, allowed myself some time to pity it, and then I can move on. It's a sort of remedy for bottling it all up.

12. When I cry really, really hard, red spots appear all around my eyes. It's sort of scary, yet completely awesome at the same time. I love all the weird little quirks, I love the weird stuff that most people probably hate. I'm not sure. Maybe it's my own form of self-harm. It sounds worse when put that way, but really, I mean it. It makes me feel something other than worthless, like it's switching tracks for a little while, giving me a break.

13. I've always had this sort of love for rain, and just standing in it. I've always wanted to just walk outside and lie on the ground in the pouring down rain (but not a thunderstorm), when the ground is already soaked and I'm basically lying in one giant puddle. I love the feel of the raindrops hitting me, rolling down my face. It gives me a sense of satisfaction and contentment that I can't really explain.

14. I want to meet someone and fall helplessly in love with them. I want to tell them everything about me, everything above and more. I want to be the most important thing they've ever come across, the best thing that's ever been theirs, sort of like Taylor Swift sings in one of her latest songs. I have so much love to give, but no one who will accept it, no one to take it.

15. I lost my best friend, the only real best friend I've ever had. We grew apart, faded away. It happens, I know. And it didn't even hurt that much... until right now. I miss her. I miss our conversations. I missed how she made me so happy, and she could cheer me up so easily. But even though she called me her best friend, I was never as important to her as she was to me. I have never been anyone's first priority, and yet I make them all mine.

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